This short poem is about a bee. It contains three poetic devices: rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia.
“Bee Poem”
By Kia West
Little fuzzy wuzzy bee,
Buzzing on ahead of me
Under branches, over bush
Through the air, your wings push
Agile, graceful, floating free
A wonder to all those who see
Making wax and making honey
You do your work all for no money
You live to serve your lovely queen
Your day’s a buzzing work routine
Pollinating with perfection
Off you fly in a new direction
Poetic Devices:

More about this Bee Poem…
This poem has a single verse with twelve lines that are written in rhyming couplets. This means that each pair of lines have last words that rhyme with each other and they are of the same or a similar length.
The “Bee Poem” also includes alliteration; where consonant sounds are repeated at the beginning of words. an example from this poem is in line five, “Agile, graceful, floating free”.
This is alliteration because the “f” sound is repeated.
Another poetic device in the poem is onomatopoeia. This is when a word describing a sound, mimics (sounds like) the sound it is describing. An example of this from the poem is the word “buzzing”, which appears in lines two and ten.
Bees are fascinating creatures. They serve a queen and will follow her where ever she goes. Every bee works to serve their queen and keep the hive running smoothly so that can be healthy and reproduce.
They make and consume honey that is made from the nectar of flowers. While they are collecting this nectar, they complete the absolutely vital job of pollinating plants by transferring pollen from one plant to another. Without bees, the human food supply would fall apart.
Bees create their hive and store their honey in combs made of wax. They must consume approximately six to eight pounds of wax to create one pound of wax.
Bees have stingers that they can use to defend the hive against threats. Unfortunately, when a bee does sting, the singer is pulled from their body and they die. Bee stings can also be fatal for the humans or animals that they sting, as it can cause an allergic reaction that can be fatal in severe cases.
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