This graduation poem reflects on the school experience and the scary and sentimental feelings of graduation. It includes alliteration, rhyme, personification and metaphor.

By Kia West

Reading, writing, getting As
Playing sport on sunny days
Groups of friends and lots of laughs
Teacher getting mad at us
Carving initials in a tree
So future students know it’s me
I’m now a grad, I’m finally free
I’m out the school gates so quickly

Hope that I know all that I need
My mind’s still hungry for a feed
I know I’ll be a life long learner
And maybe even a high earner
My future is a winding road
And on my way, I won’t be slowed

Poetic Devices:

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More About This Graduation Poem…

This poem has two verses that are written in rhyming couplets. This means that the last words in each pair of lines rhyme with each other. The first verse has eight lines and the second has six lines.

The poem has several examples of alliteration. This is when consonant sounds are repeated at the beginnings of words. For instance, verse one, line one, “Reading, writing, getting As,” has repetition of the ‘R’ sound.

Personification is when non-human things are given human attributes or emotions. Personification can be seen in verse two, line two, “My mind’s still hungry for a feed”.

Lastly, the fifth line in verse two has an example of a metaphor, “My future is a winding road”. Metaphors are a type of figurative language. This is where the writer does not literally mean what they say. Metaphors draw a comparison between two things by saying that one thing (in this case, a mind) is another thing (a winding road).

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