This dog poem is about a cheeky and gross French bulldog puppy. It includes rhyme, metaphor and alliteration.

“Jasper the French Bulldog”
By Kia West

This is little Jasper
He likes to eat his poop
And sometimes he thinks vomit
Makes a tasty soup

He likes to sniff dogs’ bottoms
Or maybe lick their ear
And when it comes to wrestling,
He really has no fear

Jasper’s a magician
He breaks out of his crate
And when he tears up everything
He sure thinks that he’s great

Jumping, joyous Jasper
He’s full of energy
When he runs around the yard
He’s the fastest dog you’ll see

He’s a sneaky little rocket
Mischievous and bold
And even when he hears you,
He won’t do as he’s told.

Poetic Devices:

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More About “Japer the French Bulldog”…

This French bulldog poem is about a real puppy. Jasper is the little brother of Lulu, from Kia’s other poem, “Lulu the Frenchie“, and he is very cute and cuddly. Jasper enjoys eating things he shouldn’t eat, ripping things and generally causing chaos. He also likes taking bubble baths.

This poem has five verses with four lines each. It has a consistent rhyme scheme that can be described as ABCB. This means that the last word in the second line and the last word in the fourth line rhyme with each other in each verse.

Another poetic device in this dog poem is metaphor. A metaphor is when two things are compared by saying one thing is the other thing. An example of this is in versethree, line one, “Jasper’s a magician”.

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. This helps with creating good flow and rythm in the poem. An example of alliteration in this French bulldog poem is in verse four, line one, “Jumping, joyous Jasper”.

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