This poem about the Middle Ages explains what life was like in European countries of the time. It uses rhyme and alliteration to create a rhythm.
“Middle Ages Poem”
By Kia West
A very long time ago,
in the Middle Ages
There were knights and there were noble men
there were squires and there were pages
Above them all, upon the throne,
there sat a royal King
All the land and all the farms,
he owned everything
He could give gifts of land
and titles to the lords
If they were loyal,
these were their rewards
If people of the land
were angry with the King
He could have them executed
and take their everything!
The structure of society
was the feudal system
A King was born to sit on top,
regardless of his wisdom
On the land and in the farms,
there worked many peasants
The bottom of the pyramid,
their life was quite unpleasant
In this time, they had God
and not our modern science
Sickness was the punishment
for religious noncompliance
Most people couldn’t read or write,
they’d listen to their news
When a story needed telling,
bards sought to amuse
The Middle Ages were a time
where life was very tough
I’m glad I wasn’t born back then,
I couldn’t live that rough!
Poetic Devices:

More about the Middle Ages Poem…
The Middle Ages was a period that stretched from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 to somewhere in the late 1400s/early 1500s, depending on which source you are looking at. It was also known as the Medieval Times or the Dark Ages.
This poem was written to highlight key information that is taught in the year 8 History unit in the Australian Curriculum. Key facts about the Middle Ages include:
The feudal system was a way of structuring the government with a King at the top (seen to be appointed by God), followed by high members of the church and nobility, knights, merchants and-at the lowest level- peasants and vassals.
The Middle Ages came before the Renaissance, a time of great scientific and cultural exploration. It was known for it’s emphasis on religion and lack of scientific thought. Pretty much anything could be explained by the power or wrath of God.
The Middle Ages was a tough time. Most people died young after living hard lives of physical labour.
The poem has a consistent structure with nine verses of four lines each. These verses all follow an ABCB rhyme scheme.
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