“New Phone Poem” includes poetic devices like hyperbole, simile and metaphor. This short poem is great for teaching poetic devices to students.

“New Phone Poem”
By Kia West

I saved up all my money
And bought a brand new phone
It comes with bells and whistles
And that’s just one ring tone!

It can store ten thousand photos
Surf twelve hours on the net
I’ve asked a million questions,
I haven’t stumped it yet

It is my new best friend
It is a superhero
Without its calculator app
My Maths score would be zero

It’s like having a million experts
Stuffed right in my pocket
I feel like my arm’s cut off
When I must plug it in a socket

I can’t live my life without it
I simply would drop dead
Still, I have to wonder
Why the instructions said,
When I’m calling people,
Don’t hold it to my head.

Poetic Devices:

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More about the New Phone Poem…

The “New Phone Poem” has five verses. The first four verses each have four lines and the fifth verse has six lines. The Rhyme scheme can be described as ABCB, which means that even numbered lines rhyme with each other.

Hyperbole (pronounced HI-PER-BO-LEE) is the technical term for exaggeration that is used for emphasis. Hyperbole can be seen in this poem in lines such as verse two, line three, “I’ve asked a million questions.” This is hyperbole, because it would not be possible for a person to ask their new phone a million questions, but this number was used to illustrate that they have asked it many questions. Hyperbole is used several times throughout this poem.

Simile is when two things are compared using the words “as”, “like” or “than”. An example of simile in this poem is in verse four, line one-two,
“It’s like having a million experts
Stuffed right in my pocket”
This simile compares having a phone with having access to actual human experts that could answer questions or explain things.

Metaphor is when two things are compared by saying one thing is another thing. Examples of metaphor can be seen in verse three.

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