This short Onomatopoeia Poem is about a clogged sink and also includes rhyme, simile and repetition.

“Onomatopoeia Poem”
By Kia West

Clink clink, Clink clink
I hear a dripping in my sink
Glug glug, Glug glug
My drain is slower than a slug
Glog glog, Glog glog
I think that I might just have a clog
Sniff sniff, Sniff sniff
I think that I detect a whiff

Oh what a bummer!
I think I need a plumber!

Poetic Devices:

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More about this Onomatopoeia Poem…

This poem is written in two verses. The first verse has eight lines and the second verse has two lines. It is written in rhyming couplets, meaning that each pair of lines rhyme with each other (AABB etc.).

Onomatopoeia is when a word used to describe a sound mimics the sound they are describing. Onomatopoeia is seen throughout the first verse to describe the sounds made by a clogged sink. For example: “Clink clink, Clink clink” This mimics the sound of a drop of water hitting metal as it drips.

Repetition is used throughout the first verse, with odd lines (lines 1, 3, 5 and 7) being made up of a single one-syllable word repeated four times to create flow.

A simile is a poetic device where two things are compared using the words “like”, “as” or “than”. Simile appears in this Onomatopoeia Poem in line four:
“My drain is slower than a slug”
Unlike the other devices in this poem, simile is a figurative language device, not a sound device. It relies on the reader’s understanding of the words and their creating a visual, rather than the way they sound, to create its effect.

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