Selfie Poem is about regretting posting a photo online and could be used to teach younger children about cyber safety. It includes rhyme, simile and metaphor.
“Selfie Poem”
By Kia West
I shared a silly selfie
I really wish I’d thought-
I didn’t think it would be seen
And my life would be fraught
With snickers and laughter
And people who will tease
I want to take that photo back
But it’s now like a disease
My school day is cruel torture
Kids won’t leave me alone
So listen to my wise advice
And leave the share button alone!
Poetic Devices:

More about this Selfie Poem…
This poem is written in a single verse with twelve lines. Lines 2 and 4, 6 and 8, 10 and 12 each rhyme with each other.
Similes are used to compare two things using the words “like”, “as” or “than”. An example of simile can be seen in this poem in line eight, “but it’s now like a disease”. This simile is used to draw a comparison between a disease and the way the selfie had taken on a life of its own and spread out of control.
A metaphor is similar to a simile, but instead is draws comparison by saying one thing IS another thing. A metaphor can be seen in the Selfie Poem in line nine, “My school day is cruel torture”. This draws a comparison between torture and the way other kids treat the narrator.
For more poems like this one, click on the link below.

For more information about cyber safety, visit a reputable website like eSafety kids.